Posts tagged with "Mum"

21. May 2020
Theresa's Story.
27. August 2019
What has summer 2019 taught me?..... Well, my fellow parents, we're there. The start of a new school year!! I can feel the excitement, anxiety, relief and sheer terror building on social media around the country. Some of us heading for First Days at school, some still fighting to find their child a place, some dealing with anxious children and some of us silently screaming "Freedommmm!!"' It's been a long nine weeks in this house but this summer has taught me a lot about, well, everything. So...

05. August 2019
Ode to The Husband.... When I wrote my last blog, The Husband commented that he never gets mentioned, he even sulked a little. So, I am dedicating this chapter to him. Let me tell you about The Husband. We are a traditional family, as in, he earns the money and I stay home and shape the next generation. In fact, we are almost Victorian in our family dynamic. If The Husband had his way, he would come home to a prepared pipe, warmed by the fire slippers, and two children in matching pyjamas...
26. July 2019
Four weeks in.... Summer school holidays, how's everyone doing? I realised today that we have four weeks done and in this house we're doing ok. I've learnt over the years to minimise the fallout, mostly mine. I stay off Facebook where I'm constantly reminded of all the things I cant do with my children. We make the effort to get out once a day, to the park, for a walk, and we go to every Áirc event we can. I try to ignore the rain. I talk to my Mum and Angela frequently to keep my mind light....

05. July 2019
Rant Alert!!! Do you know what I'm sick and tired of....shops advertising "Autism Friendly Days". For a few reasons. 1) There are literally thousands of different types of syndromes, conditions, spectrums and illnesses that make up the special needs world. Where are your "friendly" days for them??? How long do I have to hang out for a "Down Syndrome Friendly" day or an "ADHD friendly" day. 2) Are you only friendly to children with autism on that one day? Are the parents to be grateful for your...
18. April 2019
This morning I read an article written by a friend about anxiety. How difficult giving birth and motherhood can be when anxiety is hanging over you. She was very brave to expose herself that way and I'm proud of her. I don't suffer from anxiety, many of my friends do. I don't suffer from depression, many of my friends do. I suffer from coping. I'm that woman that everyone looks at and thinks "How is she so strong?" "She is always laughing" "She's so funny" The whole world sees a coper. So, what...

09. April 2019
Let me tell you about the last hour in my house... I'm cleaning upstairs, with very little enthusiasm because I'm off to Barcelona with my girlfriends in two days, so don't really care if my children have to live in their own croissant crumbs and yoghurt drips, when there is a huge crashing sound and the most ear piercing scream from Toby, followed by complete shouting hysterics. Oh my god!! I race down the stairs at a million miles an hour, nearly went to Barcelona on find that a...
20. March 2019
For today's blog, I'm going to tell you about my trip to the hospital last week. As most of us Tiger Mums know, hospitals and doctors are the bane of our lives. We never wanted them but they've become a permanent fixture and each appointment is carefully logged and planned for. I'm good at the logging part, planning....not so good. Toby has hearing issues. For six years we have had countless hearing tests, five attempts at grommets (he has Stuart Little ears, even grommets wont fit in) and...

02. March 2019
So, I think its time to tell the world about our home and how every family is different. My family is different. Sometimes, even a bit wonky. Theres a reason why God invented unconditional love!! We live in a beautifully renovated 100yr old schoolhouse. As you approach the front porch you're assailed with the smell of colourful, fragrant flowers, and met with the sight of beautifully manicured hedges, right up to our bright red door with a huge brass knocker to announce your arrival. Absolute...
10. May 2018
Diary of a Tiger Mum

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